Tuesday, January 22, 2008

North Georgia "Pet Friendly" Weather

Click this link for:

"As you can see from my outfit, it's Sweater Weather!"
It gets kind of cool in the North Georgia Mountains this time of year - even for those of us who happen to have their very own fur coats!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Welcome To Gracie's Corner- Pet Friendly in the North Georgia Mountains


I am Gracie- Harriet Carter's personal assistant, North Georgia Mountain Real Estate :Mascot" and otherwise known as her "Spokesdog."

Thanks for stopping by my "DogBlog" -

I am going to try and "fetch" the best information I can for all of Harriet's Buyers and Sellers- so they know all about the pet friendly places there are in the North Georgia Mountains PLUS the internet.

Harriet LOVES to shop on the internet - and I LOVE it when the UPS man comes to visit and deliver my "Treats!"

Maybe she'll find something for me at Petsmart.com or even The Harriet Carter Catalog!

You can rest assured that I will "keep digging" for ALL the best Pet Friendly services, accomodations and products for ALL my furry (feathered and fishy)


Check back often-